Sunday 13 December 2009

Freedom to Choose

Have you realized that for any given situation which we find ourselves the only real freedom we have is how to respond to those events in our lives, and instead to make conscious choices toward our sense of purpose we tend to flow the collective agenda of catastrophe and misery?

Have you felt any positive influence in your day when, for example, you read one of those free news paper on the train? This kind of media is quite predictable and the facts of the most miserable human condition are just the reflex of our despair and negativity that is presented to us as "news".

To overcome this external influence of negativity is necessary to have a deep understanding of our values and sense of purpose, because be positive is a choice in life and to reach this state we need to challenge our limited beliefs about ourselves.

If you think that the context which you are right now was the result of your conscious choice the chances to be happy and fulfil is much bigger than if you let the situations choose you.

As an example of conscious choice think about your job. Did you choose to be there? If not, what stops you to look for another one which you can see yourself doing with more pleasure? The marketing is competitive but those aware of their choices are always in a better position than those whose don’t believe that we are the reflex of our own choices.

So, if you never ask yourself which future you want for your life, stop your thoughts now and try to feel your breath only. Cheek if you are able to silent your mind for a moment. Try to feel the sensations of your body. Being present for a moment and you’ll be able to free yourself from your past and your internal conflicts. Now, ask yourself, "what makes my heart sings"?

Accept this instinctive voice and observe what you could do to make your hart sings more often, and then you may realize that everything is a matter of choice. As we choose the music that we want to listen or sing, we also can chose the path that we want to follow.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Overcoming Procrastination

Why is so difficult to switch off the television even when we suppose to be doing something else that would led us to achieve our dreams? For sure is more comfortable to keep doing our familiar habits than facing challenges that will bring us to an unknown place. But, what that means to you to postpone your goals just because it seems easier to play safe?

If you fear to be defeated means that may be you’ll never know what is to be victorious. Here, the biggest step is indeed to overcome our procrastination. How? Asking yourself what really depends on you to make the changes happen. However, it is important to consider and accept that what you have done so far was essential to prepare you to the next step.

Raquel’s history is great example of changes can happen when we recognize our courage and acknowledge our self-limited beliefs as opportunities to grow. She came to London two and half years ago without speak a word in English. Her real dream was attend a pos-graduate programme in Cultural Production to explore her passion when she returned to Brazil, which was to spread her local art throughout the whole country.

After more than two years of hard work and focus to learn a foreign language she was still resisting to apply for her place in the pos-graduate programme because she couldn’t see herself good enough to succeed the admission interview in an academic environment. Her thought was “If I make any mistake the tutor will disapprove me immediately and even if they accept me I’m not ready to face an academic level”. With this negative ‘self-talk’ she wasted two opportunities of being accepted and start the course in the following month.

When she came to coaching Raquel was still denying all her achievements, such as of being a foreigner that left all of her relatives to fight for he dreams, where she needed to learn another language and have worked so hard to save the money to pay her long-waited course. She was use to blame herself because she couldn’t get rid of her accent, even if her domain with the language was excellent.

After a short coaching programme Rachel became more self-confident and optimist, reconsidering all of her resources that helped her to overcome her negative ‘self-talk’ and her projection for perfection. She accepted her limited self-beliefs and arranged her first interview as an opportunity to measure her English level. She accept that if she wasn’t approved she would at least identify what she would need to improve. Besides, she would never be able to overcome her procrastination if she hasn’t tried.

Raquel was accepted at her first interview and next February she starts her Pos-graduate programme followed of a Master degree.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Overcoming Anxiety

Have you found yourself thinking and projecting something that is just about to happen but doesn’t depend on you to change the course of its direction? And what about the feelings that this state suggest on you? Have you realized that you can loose the focus on the present because your mind is projecting a future that does not happen yet?

Quite often being anxious is an unconscious state, but if we become aware of how much energy we spend on this state of being we can re-directed our attention for what really matters: the present. And aware of this present, where everything happens, we can take control of our attention to perform what really depend on us to do to achieve a desired goal.

The process isn’t simple but it is possible, and this is the challenge that Coaching intends to support you to overcome. If we do not have control about our thoughts, our mind can bring us to a state of restlessness where we don’t explore the most of our potentialities.

To address your attention for what is really important to you is one of the benefits that a coaching relationship can offer to you. Furthermore, Coaching offers you a space to grow and to reflect about your priorities. By ourselves is quite hard to separate enough time to translate all of our dreams and aspirations into practical action, even because while we don’t express those thoughts they are just ideas in our minds.

To understand more about this phenomenon of self-realization we need to talk, verbalize and share those ideas to allow them to become real possibilities. Therefore, it is this professional interaction that will help you to organize your ideas, considering your reality and available resources to create an action plan that will inspire you to create a positive attitude towards your goals.

Finally you will realise that the same energy that you were spending being anxious you can now spend being productive.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Overcoming Resistance

Have you found yourself resisting anything in your life? And after you have experienced this state of resistance which were the decisions that you have taken - if you have taken any? Have you realized that you could be resisting something that you really desire to achieve? Most of the time resistance can reflect our inner desires.

To resist something is to avoid accepting that what we really desire requires changes and therefore challenges that we may be not ready to face them. However, if we pay attention in what we are resisting we may understand what depend on us to take small daily actions that can bring us to a desired state.

To help you to overcome this state of resistance Coaching can support you to understand what are those obstacles that your mind created to sabotage you to go beyond your limited beliefs, and through a process of self-awareness you can overcome the fear of fail and even the thought patterns that are not justified neither allows you to go further.

As any space to grow Coaching requires from you willing to be challenged and commitment to achieve a desired state or goal. If you are looking forwards to spend your energy attracting desired outcomes to your life do not hesitate to give the first step.

There is always a Coaching programme that suits you and your singularities. After all, it is up to you to give you a chance to try a positive attitude or stay resisting to find your own solutions.

Friday 23 October 2009

Dreaming to Live

Lets suppose that everyone has a dream, and even in an unconscious level there is always something that keeps us going, hoping to achieve it, even if we need to cultivate it in the others because we are not able to do it within ourselves.

Some of us easily know what our dream is since our childhood and early starts open possibilities to live them. Some others experience an extra challenge and need to be aware about their instincts to find out what their dream is.

Here we are not talking about illusory dreams, but real ones. May be you already are living your dreams and aspirations in your everyday life, or maybe you are still in the process to uncover it. However, if you realize yourself avoiding to think about it, can be that unconsciously you believe that you don’t deserve to have one.

In order to attend the demand of a “human-doing” society, Coaching arrives in time to help those who are willing to find out a way to transform those dreams into reality. It is time to stop and listen our heartbeat and then give ear to its voice, otherwise we’ll never find the real meaning to dream awake.

As a space to grow Coaching helps us to uncover our unconscious resistance to desire, bringing it to a conscious level, where it allows us to overcome our limited beliefs such as “It is to late to wish this” or “I’m not able to do that”. It is this process that helps us to uncover our potentialities to achieve the pieces of dreams that we call goals.

We just need to be present to realize that the truth always be on time.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Challenging You

How do you deal with the difficulties situation in your life? Have you realized yourself learning from those episodes? If ‘yes’, congratulation for your state of presence and for your emotional intelligence consciously in practice. It is this last one of the most requested life skill to support us succeed in all aspects of our lives.

It is this state of surrender that allows us to non resist what happens right now because it is the only moment where we are alive. Through this awareness we can learn from every single situation that may arise in the next minute as a continuous process of understanding that instead of fight against what is we can embrace it for our own growth.

The challenges appear for each one of us in several singular ways, and those whom are willing to grow will take advantage of all situations of their lives, even from the apparent most insignificant ones.

While some of us keep ourselves stuck in resistance and just seek for self-understanding when something extremely dramatic happen, some others are more aware of their potentialities and hence seek support to improve their life skills accelerating their process of self-growth.

This is why is so important to be supported in this process of self-understanding, because most of the time we are unaware about our tendency to put ourselves in the role of victim of the situations. And instead of learning from them we misunderstood the opportunities to grow, perpetuating our inability to think differently.

Furthermore, here, the most important thing is how to realize ourselves beyond our cognitive system and how we can overcome its limitations.

It is in this context that Coaching as a contemporary intervention appears to support those whom are willing to grow thought a process of raising self-awareness. Beyond that, well supported we can clarify and understanding our strengths, generating new resources to attend the realistic goals that we will be updating along the way.

We just need to be able to accept this possibility as real as we are, as real as life is, recognizing that all the resources necessary to concretize whatever we want inhabit within us, we must just be willing to explore them.

Monday 12 October 2009

Rediscovering You

Have you asked yourself if the work you are doing brings you fulfilment? If your answer is Yes! Congratulation for your awareness and consciousness to bring your contribution to this word through your profession.

To explore our creativity and succeed in this social context of consumption and competitiveness is necessary to be attentive to our singular talents and gifts, and consequently aware of our own life skills to deal and overcome the life challenges.

But if you are still working to pay the bills and do not have the courage to invest in what you really would love to do, can be that your ‘ego mind-sense of self’ is boycotting you with fear and inertia. However, any time is the right time to start knowing you more, raising awareness about your own strengths, and thus clarifying your real purpose in this material context where we need to survive.

The best aspect of this whole understanding is that with self-consciousness we have choices to explore our gifts with integrity and dignity. This awareness emerges as an opportunity to go beyond of the concern to survive to reach the state of Being. And despite the fact of lots of people are still seeking for answers out side of themselves, a simple direction of attention into yourself can elucidate all the clarification that you are seeking for.

In this process of self-learning we rescue our most naïve values and then we rediscover ourselves as a whole and not just as a thinking mind. This is a transpersonal process of understanding our purpose here, which allows us to recognize the immensity of this existence as well as our importance to be part of it. And then, we can be wherever we want to be because we already know who we really are.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Reconnecting You

How often do you separate a time for yourself just to appreciate the breath, to recognize that you are part of this whole and beyond a 'thinking-mind' you are a body and a human being?

Quite often we let the mind be at the control of our existence, moving us away from the present and thus of being in presence. While the present is the only instant of real life that we have, most of the time our mind keeps us stuck in the past or projecting a illusory future taking our attention to the Now – where any action can really happen.

And if you have not yet caught yourself appreciating the simple and indispensable act of breath and feel your inner body energy, can be that your Mind is the one in charge of your Life. In this case you may need to understand that your ego has been misunderstood you as a 'mind-made sense of self'. However, your essence, or presence – as you prefer to call it – is much more than that.

This understand seems simple, but few of us go in search of this knowledge, that allows us to position ourselves in this planet with equilibrium and consciousness. It is up to each one of us to seek self-awareness to be able to dream and give legs to these dreams at every moment of our existence.

This consciousness of presence is what allows us to have choices, to face the world free of resistance, however full of acceptance of who we are and aware of our gifts to be explored in this real world free of illusion.