Sunday 13 December 2009

Freedom to Choose

Have you realized that for any given situation which we find ourselves the only real freedom we have is how to respond to those events in our lives, and instead to make conscious choices toward our sense of purpose we tend to flow the collective agenda of catastrophe and misery?

Have you felt any positive influence in your day when, for example, you read one of those free news paper on the train? This kind of media is quite predictable and the facts of the most miserable human condition are just the reflex of our despair and negativity that is presented to us as "news".

To overcome this external influence of negativity is necessary to have a deep understanding of our values and sense of purpose, because be positive is a choice in life and to reach this state we need to challenge our limited beliefs about ourselves.

If you think that the context which you are right now was the result of your conscious choice the chances to be happy and fulfil is much bigger than if you let the situations choose you.

As an example of conscious choice think about your job. Did you choose to be there? If not, what stops you to look for another one which you can see yourself doing with more pleasure? The marketing is competitive but those aware of their choices are always in a better position than those whose don’t believe that we are the reflex of our own choices.

So, if you never ask yourself which future you want for your life, stop your thoughts now and try to feel your breath only. Cheek if you are able to silent your mind for a moment. Try to feel the sensations of your body. Being present for a moment and you’ll be able to free yourself from your past and your internal conflicts. Now, ask yourself, "what makes my heart sings"?

Accept this instinctive voice and observe what you could do to make your hart sings more often, and then you may realize that everything is a matter of choice. As we choose the music that we want to listen or sing, we also can chose the path that we want to follow.

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