Wednesday 14 July 2010

Transforming Our Habits

Have you ever realized how intrinsic our habits can be in our daily life that we don’t even recognize them? And what about the impact that they can have in regarding to living the life that we really want. Are they positive?

Mostly they are familiar and hence give us a ‘sense of control’ in our routine, but have you ever thought that to grow we need to allow ourselves to explore the unknown? And if our habits give us a sense of familiarity, what about to go beyond them? Be aware of what really matters to us means having the choice to open new possibilities.

So, maybe it’s time to think about which contributions those habits bring to the achievement of our aspirations. If they don’t take from us the time that we could be using to act towards our goals that is fine. The problem is when they do stop us to act productively – what happen most of the time.

If we understand the importance of our habits we may realize that we can convert them in our favour. For example, if we know that to be more confident to our next presentation we need to cover a more extensive bibliography but we don’t really have the habit to read, we can try to transform the reading process as an activity that consciously was chosen to benefit us toward our personal or professional success.

On the other hand we don’t need to change our habits from one day to another. The process is gradual but consistent. So, for example, if we realize that the time we spend on the transport could be a good opportunity to read, the challenge would be to make it constant, especially because it will be generating a positive outcome due a conscious choice. However, if reading is still a boring activity we can start from the subjects that most interest us until reading becomes a pleasant habit.

Furthermore, to transform our habits we need to be at the control of our attention and hence of our actions, what allow us to optimize our time to focus in what is important to us, increasing not just our sense of achievement but generating a positive progress towards our dreams, where we can expanding our experiences and hence fulfilling our lives. However, to achieve this desired state of mind we may need personal support and coaching can be seen here as the most unique partnership to help us to make those changes happen.

It is this process of supporting that offer us the opportunity to commit ourselves loud, where we know that someone is there standing for us, helping us to see new perspectives. The coach assists us to design a future path but also helps us to carry out actions in the present, so we are more likely to achieve our desired objectives.