Saturday 27 February 2010

Moving Forward

To move toward our dreams we must have aspirations, and to have aspirations we need to be able to acknowledge what we have done so far and celebrate each step, for more arduous that it has been. To forgive ourselves for not having been able to have done differently is the key for a new positive start, no matter what we have experienced but what we have learnt.

To move forward to the next step we need to think, think for ourselves about changes that must take place no matter how much we have to do. To build a dream takes time and to put the right effort we need to give us space to think, to elaborate the following steeps which will led us to achieve our goals.

The process to think for ourselves is challengeable and most of the time request focus and support. The focus is related to our ability to be fully present, or at least, be able to manage our stress and anxiety in order to free our attention to be positive and productive. However, most of the time to be at the control of our mind request externalization and we do need to have someone who can listens to us.

The support can be finding with a friend capable of listening without interruptions or the rush to conclude our ideas before we think about them. Someone that can listen to us just because they are generous enough to let us think about whatever is important for us at any given time and situation.

However, if there isn’t anyone who can give us this precious space and attention, just because it is so hard to listen without jumping on conclusion or judgments, or because everyone is so busy that doesn’t have time even to listen to themselves, we can count with professionals that chose to be a Life Coach by vocation, by passion in helping us to unlock our potentialities to discover what will be the best next steep to take.

It is wonderful to know that speaking allows us to think better, more clearly and intelligently. While we don’t externalize our thoughts they are just seeds of ideas that need to grow, be developed and flourish. This is why is so important to talk because allows us to think better, to listen to ourselves and realize that what we say make sense.

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